A Poem at The End of The Night


Image result for beach photograph at the night

July 6, 2019

Hey you,
Before I really knew you, I felt that I was the most stupid girl at that time. I admire you more than myself. Everyday, there are no days without going down the campus aisle just to see you smile. I spent hours staring at you from the top floor from the beginning you came until you left. Unconsciously, you’ve become my reason to stay strong everyday even my life getting harder every single day. You make every ring of my notifications become very important and valuable. Your doubts to me are natural because I suddenly appeared. But somehow I don’t have the slightest doubt on you until this moment. You make me understand that our happiness comes from ourselves, not others. You open my eyes to see the world we are really going to be. Now, can I borrow your name? To tell my God how do I admire one of His servants?


July 12, 2019

I realized that night was the right time to deliver a million of my longings for you through a piece of writing that you will read someday.

How’s your day?
Considering that I always look forward for a meeting, even though my waiting never arrives, I always hope that your days will stay bright like the sun that always shines in the morning.

if yesterday I told you about how I got into your life, then tonight I will tell you how grateful I am for your presence.

I said that I often borrow your name to tell my God how much I admire you. 5 times a day, I give thanks about 5 things that I have in my life. Longevity of my parents and siblings, home to shelter, sustenance that always present, a chance for studying, and your presence.

Maybe I’m too negligent, so I often forget to cry before Him when I have got what I asked for. Until I feel pain in one part of my body, which is my heart.

At that moment there was a thought in my mind as if he had answered my complaint, “He is one of the things that you are grateful for in your life, so accept it”

Again, I gave thanks for the pain that had been given to me. I realize more that you are becoming more meaningful to me.
Every day.

Good night, have a nice dream.

from The Ocean, to The Horizon


[Ren’s Thoughts] Kesaksian Mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa

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(Disclaimer: Gambar berasal dari images.google.com)

Akhirnya, aku kembali menulis di sini. It’s been a long time, right? Iya, untuk sekarang aku tidak akan langsung comeback dengan fanfiction atau original fiction, aku belum punya ide baru untuk menulis hehe. Sebagai gantinya, aku akan berbagi ‘kesaksian’ku selama menjadi mahasiswa jurusan bahasa dalam dua semester ini. Sebenarnya ‘kesaksian’ yang aku tulis ini adalah karya tulis berupa opini sebagai tugas UAS Bahasa Indonesia yang merupakan 50% dari nilai UASku yang berjudul “Stereotip Jurusan dan Pelajar Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra dalam Pendidikan Formal”. Hanya saja, ada seorang teman seperjuangan yang membuatku ingin mengutarakan isi tugas UASku sekaligus ‘kesaksian’ku ini di WordPress. Jadi, aku edit seperlunya agar lebih enak dibaca. Ya, semoga kalian suka ❤

“Ilmu eksakta tanpa bahasa dan sastra adalah tak ubahnya arloji tanpa baterai, tidak mampu berfungsi dengan baik.” – Laurensia Leonovira

 I present this writing for my beloved friends, those who are spending their interest in language intensely in high school and college major.
Hopefully you guys always proud with your choice to learn language further in formal education ❤

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